Minor injuries can cause major stress, and having a trusted team to whom you can turn to is an important part of your overall health care planning. Eric D. Brown, MD, and the team at Integrative Urgent Care in Glendora, California, offer outstanding care for minor injuries and can help you get back on your feet and into the swing of your normal activities swiftly. Walk-in visits are always an option, or you can schedule a visit online or over the phone.
book onlineWhich types of issues are considered minor injuries?
The term “minor injuries” can encompass many different health needs, and it isn’t always easy to determine what is and is not a “minor” concern. One way to think about it is to consider if your health need is or could develop into a life-threatening emergency.
For example, injuries sustained in a car accident or workplace incident often require emergency medical treatment. If there is uncontrolled bleeding, a visibly distorted joint, loss of consciousness, or cognitive changes, you should seek emergency care right away.
Some of the issues that are considered minor injuries include:
- Lacerations
- Abrasions
- Sprains
- Strains
- Joint pain
- Bruising
- Skin lesions
- Minor burns
A minor injury can happen while playing sports, at work, or even while taking care of routine household tasks.
Why see a doctor for minor injuries?
There are many instances where at-home first aid is all you need to take care of a minor injury. A simple burn while cooking, a child’s scraped knee, or a bruise from bumping into furniture are examples of everyday injuries that can be handled easily at home.
In some instances, however, a seemingly minor injury can be worse than it appears. Cuts may need a few stitches to hasten the healing process and protect against infection. Burns that penetrate into the deeper layers of skin may need to be treated by a professional.
If you suffer a sports injury, like a sprain or strain, a medical professional is able to assess the damage and guide the treatment process. A simple period of rest, elevation, compression, and icing may be all that’s needed. It is possible, however, that X-rays or other imaging is needed to learn more about internal damage.
What can I expect when I come in for a minor injury?
The first portion of your visit is dedicated to gathering information about your overall health and the nature of your injury. Depending on the circumstances, a physical exam, imaging, and even lab testing may be necessary.
Treatment might include cleansing the area to prevent infection, topical medications, splinting or bracing, or sutures and bandaging. If your injury is more involved than initially thought, your practitioner will explain your next steps.
One of the biggest benefits of seeing a medical professional for minor injuries is the personalized care instructions you’ll receive. Your practitioner will advise you on how to continue treatment at home and when to return to normal activities. These guidelines can do wonders to prevent infection or further injury.
If you or a loved one has sustained a minor injury, call Integrative Urgent Care to determine your next steps. Walk-in appointments are available, or you can always book a visit online or over the phone.